ChatGPT-4 at a low price
with no $20 monthly

Unlock GPT-4, the industry-leading language model.
Recharge and use it until your balance is depleted.
No expensive monthly subscription.

Use GPT-4

Why Request The AI ?

Start with Just $3

Unlock GPT-4's capabilities affordably and top up
your balance with ease.

Your Balance, Your Terms

Enjoy credits that never expire and pick up exactly
where you left off.

Today and Tomorrow's AI

Access GPT-4 PLUS now and stay ready for future
advancements like GPT-4 Vision, MidJourney, etc.

GPT-4 Testimonials

Tailored AI Usage

Pay for Precision

The length and complexity of your GPT queries directly influence credit
usage. Longer, more detailed questions and answers mean a greater
deduction from your balances, ensuring you pay in proportion to the
depth of AI interaction.

Seamless Control

Top up your balance with ease and continue to access the full spectrum
of AI capabilities. With Request The AI, you're in command of your
AI journey.